G e n e a l o g y


Dear Visitor


This site is aimed at those interested in the current status, history and other genealogical aspects of the Roskott-family, including specific branches like the one of Luijke-Roskott. Besides a family history the site contains a family report and family tree. I realize the history is far from 'completed' and hopefully this website will help to gather further information.


I started my research on the family some 20 years ago where there were periods of intense genealogical activity as well as periods where I did not have the time or energy to do any major family research. During my research I came across unexpected family members in both Europe and the USA. Although there is some backbone family tree now, many family members have not been hooked up to the tree yet.


The idea behind this site is that Roskott family members contribute by going through their personal family files and select those things that can help to create something like ‘The Roskott Genealogy’. For details on how to contribute expanding this site, please check the ‘contribute’ page. 


I hope this initiative will help to reveal more of the origins and developments of the Roskott-family from the past till today.



Happy browsing!


Arthur L. Roskott