Afbeelding met buiten, persoon, staand

Automatisch gegenereerde beschrijvingAfbeelding met gebouw, huis, buiten, oud

Automatisch gegenereerde beschrijving

G e n e a l o g y


Reports and family trees


In this section you can find some graphical and character-based family trees. Regarding the family tree, on one side we have the so-called 'Ur-Roskott', the most ancient member of the family carrying the Roskott name. On the other end of the spectrum we have one of the most recent Roskotts in my branch: me. From our oldest predecessor, J.W.E. Roskott, we don't know too much but we do know is that his son, Eberhart Wilhelm, married in 1763 in Gildeshaus in Germany and J.W.E is mentioned on the marriage certificate.


There are a couple of different trees:


1. Descendants, from the most ancient Roskott member down to the most recent Roskott's, mentioning the male and female descendants. This overview exists both in a report and in graphics


2. Ancestors name bearing, from myself up to the most ancient Roskott, report and graphic


3. Pedigree chart, from myself up, following both the male and female family lines. Both in report and graphic






Afbeelding met tekst, buiten, persoon, groep

Automatisch gegenereerde beschrijving